Prison Ministry Volunteers
“…I was in prison and you came to see me.”
Matthew 25:36
Prison Ministry Volunteers, Inc. is an official 501C3 non-profit organization whose mission is to provide services to the incarcerated community and support the prison staff and Chaplains primarily serving the two prisons located in Diboll, Texas. One is the Rufus H. Duncan Unit with about 500 offenders and is a geriatric prison. The second is the Diboll Correctional unit, a step-down unit with another 500 offenders.
Our services include Bible Studies, Overcomers, Celebrate Recovery Life Recovery and AA programs, an Indigent Toiletries Ministry, support of inmate church services, Life and Healing After Loss: A Step By Step Journey through Grief, a customized curriculum on grieving designed specifically for the prison environment, held at each prison teaching learning to live and heal after loss. Graduation and Celebration activities include staff appreciation as well. We also have customized the course on Grieving and bring the program to a local women’s halfway house residential program, a Woman’s Ministry and local church.

Donations are primarily used for the purchase of literature, books and workbooks and material for the various studies, purchase of toiletry items for the indigent ministry (for offenders who have no outside family or friend support), postage for letter writing, Subscription(s) recovery magazine and literature for the recovery group.
There are no paid volunteers. Donations are used solely for fulfilling the mission of education, support of the inmats and staff, admin fees for the website domain, email, hosting and security and office necessities to support a specific ministry. We are an official 501C3 authorized by the IRS and an official, non-profit corporation in the State of Texas.
There are no paid employees. All position both on the Board of Directors and staff functions are volunteer.
How You Can Get Involved
Volunteer Program
To volunteer for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, visit their website at TDCJ.
Everything you need to know about becoming an approved volunteer is available to you there. You must be trained and certified by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
Sponsor Program
If you would like to financially support our ministry through financial donations, visit our Donate page. These donations help us fund the printing of our material 2-3 times per year. You can make a recurring donation which helps us budget our expenditures. It might just be a book of stamps to write letters or help purchase a recovery magazine subscription or group book. Every little bit helps.
Indigent, Charity and Christmas Gift Fund
Our Indigent Fundraising efforts helps support offenders who do not have family or friends on the “outside” to support them. Volunteers are NOT allowed to make any direct donation to any offender. The Indigent program enables us to purchase items such as shampoo, deodorant, soap or toothpaste for those in this situation. These offenders are identified through the Chaplain ministry at each unit and distributed accordingly.
“Blessing Bags”
News & Updates
A weekend spent with Jubilee Prison Ministry
Jim and Linda Orcutt spent the weekend serving with Jubilee Prison Ministries at the Diboll Correctional Facility. Jim led one of the teams in the Jubilee Event while Linda worked on the outside with the team preparing foods, distributing cookies, and cleaning. This...
Prison Ministry Volunteers Bible Study Graduation
GRADUATION: Offender Bible Study Certificates were awarded for graduation for each member of the Grace Revolution Bible Study. Class members completed reading the Book and completing the workbook and actively engaging in the weekly classes. Each member of the class...
Prison Ministry Volunteers Update
Prison Ministry Volunteer 2020-2021 Update:Here is a Prison Ministry Volunteers Update for 2020 and 2021. The Year of COVID-19. As with everyone and everywhere, COVID-19 affected our ability to provide direct ministry services to the prison. Around March of 2020, the...
Ongoing Projects
A Step-by-Step Grieving Journey through Loss and Grief
None of us are taught how to grieve.
The journey of grief is different and unique in prison. Different indeed—lonely, unforgiving, relentless, timeless, numbing, painful and confusing. But, as with many things in life, it is the actual journey and process through a low valley that helps us become stronger, wiser and healthier as we emerge on the other side, better than when we entered. The journey is a multi-faceted process: emotional, mental and spiritual. Recovery requires that one embrace and work the process. IThis course helps participants walk through the journey of grief and learn coping skills.
Each participant is provided with an individual workbook and graduation celebration.
If you would like to help, email us at or fill out the contact us form or press here to donate directly.

Grace Revolution
This life changing class teaches the “Good News” of the New Testament. Learning and applying the message of forgiveness and love is the essential theme of this study.
Joy of Living- John Part I& II
We completed this in-depth study during 2022 and 2023. Participants received individual study guides / workbooks and a celebration and graduation certificate

Christmas 2020-2022
What began in 2020 continued in 2021 nad 2022. We are so excited to share with you the blessings received in bringing a token of remembrance as we celebrated the birthday of the baby Jesus.
In working with Chaplain Willis, he gave us the idea of an orange and an apple. We began our search and found that it was going to be quite an undertaking. We prayed and shared over several weeks to no avail. A week before Christmas, we asked our small group to pray. The very next morning, Mr. Don W. (on the Board of Directors of PMV), called to say “…get the garage empty, 10 cases of oranges and 10 cases of apples are on their way, donated anonymously.” A member of our group had found an anonymous donor! God is good.
The Lufkin area has some really good people. They have truly not forgotten these men and we are so grateful for their generous and willing spirits to help us in this ministry. Again, in 2021 and 2022 we have been able to provide apples and oranges again and delivered over 500 Christmas bags to the offenders and staff.

Recovery Ministry
Our Recovery Ministry consists of weekly Open AA Meetings and a Monthly Closed AA Meeting at oth the Rufus H. Duncan Meeting and the Diboll Correctional Unit.
A weekly Celebrate Recovery Class is held at the DIboll Unit along with a weekly class using the AA Awakending book.
Beginngin in Junes, the Duncan Unit will have a weekly Overcomer’s Class address a wide range of addition / problems.
With donated funds, we have purchased and delivered to the Diboll and Duncan Units the required literature for the Recovery Meetings:
- “The Story of Bill Wilson” DVD
- Monthly Subscription to The Grapevine Magazine
- NA – Narcotics Anonymous Book
- English and Spanish Versions of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous
- English and Spanish Versions of the Twelve and Twelve
- “Desire Chip” Bookmarks
- Set of “Cans of Success Bookmarks” by Freedom in Christ Ministries for members of the Recovery Group Class
- 6 month Participatation Celebrations
Indigent Toiletries
2023 – Prison Ministry Volunteers restocked the Duncan Unit with Toothpaste, Shampoo, Deodorant and Bar Soap with mid-year donations.
If you would like to help, email us at or fill out the contact us formor press here to donate directly.
Donate Now — Thank You