Jim and Linda Orcutt spent the weekend serving with Jubilee Prison Ministries at the Diboll Correctional Facility. Jim led one of the teams in the Jubilee Event while Linda worked on the outside with the team preparing foods, distributing cookies, and cleaning. This intense, 3 days event inspires men to draw closer to God, learn about their spiritual identity and begin a transformation in theirs lives. It was a powerful weekend and we were priviliged to be a part. If you are looking to Discover the profound impact of prison ministry wolunteering at a Jubilee weekend is a great way to get started.
“At the Jubilee Weekend, incarcerated men and women are introduced to the One who can redeem their lives and give them lasting hope. Come and see miracles happen.” Read more on the Jubilee Prison Ministry Website
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Prison Ministry Volunteers Bible Study Graduation
GRADUATION: Offender Bible Study Certificates were awarded for graduation for each member of the Grace Revolution Bible Study. Class members completed reading the Book and completing the workbook and actively engaging in the weekly classes. Each member of the class...
Prison Ministry Volunteers Update
Prison Ministry Volunteer 2020-2021 Update:Here is a Prison Ministry Volunteers Update for 2020 and 2021. The Year of COVID-19. As with everyone and everywhere, COVID-19 affected our ability to provide direct ministry services to the prison. Around March of 2020, the...
Prison Ministry Volunteers Web Site Launch
Today marks the day of our first post on the Prison Ministry Volunteers Web site, https://prisonministryvolunteers.org Prison Ministry Volunteers is a non-profit organization designed to provide services to the incarcerated community and support the prison staff and...
2024 has seen significant growth in our Recovery Classes attendance at both the Diboll and Duncan Units. At the Duncan, the class outgrew the classroom size and we were able to schedule another class. Classes are now held two days a week. The second class began with just 3 attendees and now averages 25-30 each week. The class at the Diboll Correctional Unit continues to grow with latest attendance at 46 weekly.
Overcomers , an ITP course, uses both the foundational step of AA and The Bible to address recovery from whatever particular addiction a man needs to address – alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, food, anger, sloth, procrastination, etc.
Inmates identified as indigent, meaning no outside support from family or friends, were provided with basic toiletries such as soap, toothpaste, deodorant and shampoo.
Prison Ministry Volunteers, Inc. continued to resupply the indigent toiletries supplies several times a year at the Duncan Unit.
We are holding our fourth class this year, 2 at the Diboll Correctional facility and 2 at the Duncan Unit. The classes grow each time and the impact is profound as men learn how to grieve and work through the many losses they have had.
Many tools are provided to help the men on this journey. Two of the most efffective and liked are the Inventory Loss and Letters to Grief.
Joy of Living, Ephesians Part I and Ephesians Part II were completed the first half off 2024. Phillipians and Colassians is being studies the second half at the Dduncan Unit. Interactive, deep vibrant investigation off these scriptures are discussed at a deep and detailed level.
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